To all MBYFL Teams, Staff, Coaches and Parents. As you all well aware, the state has decided to start the process of allowing sports to continue and open back up with certain guide lines that we would need to adhere to. So the possibility of a 2021 MBYFL Season is looking brighter by the day. As you are all well aware, our number one priority is the health and safety of our kids and their families. We will have a meeting to discuss the 2021 season with all 12 of the teams that form our league. We will continue to seek counsel from the state to adhere to all their guidelines and talk to the school boards to understand what we would need, to be in compliance with their policies. We will provide more informations as it becomes available. Thank you, and please continue to practice safe distancing and wear your masks.
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Reach out to the team that you belong too. Where you live is what determines where you play.
Are there any upcoming events for 4 yrs and up?
Any updates